First of all, it is most important and most urgent to PROHIBIT NON-SMOKING in rooms in which computors abide!

Without smoke, computor is simply choking. In non-smoking rooms, they even have to put filters on monitors, because they shine too strongly, which can be very harmful to eyes. In an eternally smoky room there's no such problems. Monitors are covered with a fine layer of dust, glued by smoke and sweat, which protects the user from the deadly radiation of the screen.

Furthermore, compressed dust inside the computor is of vital importance, because it keeps parts of the motherboard and various sound-, video-, network- and other cards from becoming loose. It is best, in fact, from the very first day, to take the tin cover off and throw it away, because it is stopping the smoke and dust from entering the computor (!).

CD-drive's laser beam, too, if it doesn't go through a fat layer of dust, will burn the disk with it's devastating shine.

To hard disk, on the other hand, a thick layer of dust is helping to keep the axis orientation ("gyroscope-effect"); that is, not to rock while spinning (no room), and thus, besides speeding up reading and writing to the disk, it also helps to save it and to make it last much longer.

For all those reasons, smoking is vital for hardware maintenance, and should be practiced as much as possible, even to the price of damaging your own health.

mouse  keyboard   monitor
floppies   working environment    appendix   
 How the computer programs are made