Today we shall learn how the computor programs are made.

Computor programs are made with other computor programs. These other computor programs have been made with yet other computor programs; these with another, even more basic computor programs, all the way down to the basic, so-called binary, processors (chips) which only know what electricity-gates to open or close in any given moment. But, how does a chip know what any input means? That is being accomplished only with a long training which demands a lot of time and dedication from the trainer, the so-called machine-code programmer. He is the one that teaches a chip machine-code of behaviour and thinking.

Intelligence-wise, chips can be compared to insects. They even look like insects. The only reason why chips are better than insects is that their legs, altho greater in number, won't start to suddenly move while you hold them, as the insects' usually do. That's why it doesn't happen to chips SO often that, after a try at closer observation, you throw them to the floor with a scream, and instinctively crush them with your foot.
That's also why there is more and more chips and less and less insects. Generally, insects are rather un-sympathetic abominations of nature (what are they after all? animals? plants? i'd say, something in-between); i don't want to generalize, there are some good and nice insects, but very few, and even then they're nicer from afar and in pictures, than from too close. And not only they move those little legs of theirs so disgustingly when you want to watch or torture them, they're amazingly stupid too; i'd say, among stupidest of animals (IF they're animals in first place - i mean, animals are beings of flesh and blood, after all; and where's flesh in insects? there is no. only those thin limblets and winglets and eyes... they don't even have mouths! just some tiny tubes, vacuum-suckers, attachers and whatnot - what kind of animal is it that doesn't have a mouth???) - i mean, even a dog you can teach to bring a stick ili or lift a foot! Even a chip! That's how stupid are those insects. That's why they're called insects in the first place.

Not to mention viruses and bacteries and other one-celled bastards. Take only amoebae... they only crawl those microscop glass-plates and do absolutely nothing! Except dividing themselves so that there's only MORE of them!
They'd do better if they'd unite in a, for example, sponge (like the cells of the sea-sponge, which is on the border of one-celledness and poly-celledness), and be useful in some school or a bathroom!

THAT's why i like animals best (i mean, real animals, with hairs and ears). And i like people even more. But chips i like most. A friend tells me that only trips are even better than chips; but i don't believe him. And he even combines them! He says "i never touch a chip without dropping a trip".

After you thus make a computer program, then you compile it's kernel, and then you start the program to see if it works. If it works, you say "it works", and then you pack it in a nice fat box and sell it to the so-called crackers to so-called crack it and copy it and give it to their friends and sell it to their acquittances. This is called "software".

If it doesn't work, then you say "it doesn't work" and fire the programmer who made it.

If it works, and then suddenly stops, you say "it's got bugs". "Bug" means a bug, an insect. Damn insects, you simply can't do a fucking thing without them sticking their little nose in it! They'd better find decent jobs and be useful to the people and the state, and earn themselves a decent piece of bread, instead of just sucking all the juice from flowers and buzz around damaging the vegetation!

And computer viruses are better than these domestic ones only because, altho it's the man (or the woman) who gets it (on a floppy or from the net), it's the computor who actually gets sick. It's better to get the computor sick than a man (or a woman), becuse it's much easier to get a new computor than a new man (or a woman). And a new computor is the same as the old one (only better) but a new man (or a woman) is not the same. First of all, it's much, much smaller; and it's not so easy to install the system and the programs from the old man (or a woman) into the new one.

And amoebae couldn't resist taking a computor shape either. Just like common amoebae, these also live in guts (C:\Windows\System on PC, System Folder on Mac). There those minuscule files live, those remnants from past installations, that swarm of silent crawlers, read-me files, preferences, uninstallers, logs, dll-s and other one-byte mutants with strange names and extensions which serves nothing and no-one and only takes up space on disk. A real ecological cathastrophy. I would arrest all of them and delete them from hard-disk! But i don't dare. You never know which one of them should be required for something; if you delete it, you will ruin your computor's health, you'll deprive it of a neccessary micro-flora of it's guts. And then again, when you look at that little file, that little nothing, not ten bytes in it, who or what could need that...?

That's why I like those real, big applications that you see on your monitor and you know what they're for, much more than those pityful miserables! And I like a huge, comfortable monitor on which you can drop a hundred little windows, much more than a little, tight one, which you have to touch with your nose to see what's behind that glass, and what's where, and the resolution is rough and looks like shit. I don't like that at all. Only fools like that! To me, those who prefer that, are nothing but fools and stupid people.



mouse  keyboard   monitor
floppies   working environment    appendix