Hrvatski jezik/Croatian language

arkzin, #73, 13.9.1996.CROATIAN ELDORADO (column)

What will happen when Suharto dies ?

Foreign analytical press, about Croatian economical wonder: by sparing on greengrocery Franjo, Ankica (wife), children & grandchildren have acquired 700.000.000 US$ of property in five years!


If the administration in Danube-basin monthly costs 2 millions US $, the President himself could finance it - from the ascribed wealth - for 30 years, so that these expenses would be disburdened forever from shoulders of average croatian employee!



The core of the simpathetic Indonesian family Suharto consists of 7 members: daddy, mummy, and five children- three sons and two daughters, within the age-range of 34 till 40. As one can assume, children are especially talented for business. Thus, the wealth of daughter Tutut and son Sigit is estimated on 454,5 millions of US $ each, of son Bambango na 2,18 on 2,18 billions US $, of daughter Titiek on 109 millions US $, and son Tommy on 590 millions US $. The property comprehends the participation in all the multinational companies that deal in Indonesia and abroad, best known of which are Mitsubishi, Du Pont, British Petroleum, Siemens, Hyatt, Hyundai, Deutsche Telekom, Edison Mission Energy, Merill Lynch, KIA Mo tor, Rolls Royce, Westinghouse Electric...

Talented children of the father who conducts Indonesia with iron fist since 1966, are not at all interested in politics, but Indonesians still fear for their future. Namely, what will happen when Suhartodies (this year the wife and mother has died and left a big hole in the part of conducting the country and family business)? Who shall succeed Indonesian homeland's father, and won't a war to the extinction start among the children, which could bring new problems to the country in which the firm of son Bambango has "privatized" almost all of the authentic economy of Indonesia.

Preparations about the necessity of peaceful acceptance of mortality of the oldest Suharto, have already begun in Indonesian media. It wouldn't be good, newspapers say, to start a witchhunting, mutual requitals and revenges. Why revenge on children for father's sins? The future president should bear in mind that this could scare the foreign investors and force them to pull their capital out of Indonesia. Isn't it best, therefore, to elect the successor from the society close to the family Suharto- a friend, maybe a relative, who will understand the need for the country's stability. Indonesians, including the opposition, agree. Why stir things up when it is still bearable.

Homeland's son's big property

But why should we go so far? There is another family.

A provident, proud mother, enraptured by manifold talents of her family.

Father that leads the country with a firm hand, three children and two grandsons, who have not got, as yet, their share in Mitsubishi (who knows? who knows?), but they do participate very successfully in all other economic activities of mother country. They have banks, yachts (even complete marinas), thermal- springs, hotels, factories, soccer clubs (even the complete divisions), they give a colour to the entire social, cultural, public life of the state, and they are inexhaustible inspiration to poets and journalists.

A sum - total of their property has been estimated, so far, in the foreign analytical press on 700 millions US$ - more than any other president and his family in transition countries, and very close to many of successful families in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand.

If we consider that Suharto rules from 1966. on, and that he needed 30 years to raise children, then 700 millions bucks of property acquired in five years, gives a material to think to little Asian giants about the competition in the Balkans, and represents a signal to various world-wide multinational organizations.

At the same time, such a wealthy family, as such stories usually go, has a very poor people. A good deal of them resides not in their own, but in someone's else houses, half a million citizens have emigrated in one neighbouring country, in order that 200 thousands from the other neighbouring country could be attributed to its own native corps. At the same time 4,5 millions of inhabitants regularly supplies those 200 thousands with money, with free school-books, and with financing the electional campaigns. Simultaneously, citizens from a province of that first neighbouring country whith which the normalization and longlasting friendship was signed, settle down in empty houses of displaced citizens of other nationalities .

Fur-coats cheaper, bread more expensive

Complicated, yes, but not unclear. The president is ours, children and grandchildren are his, countries are Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, the voluntary emigrants are Serbs, the voluntary imigrants are Croats from Kosovo and other lands, and the key- country is Croatia, which faces expensive rebuilding and successful development. How expensive, and how successful, is decided only and exclusively by The Council of Defense and National Security (CDNS), which managed to push the growth-rate to 7%, (although the comparative analysis of Vienna's Institute for Countries in Transition say that in May it was 0%, so that now, after the tourist season it could be, in the best case, a seasonal 1%.), and the premier Matesaon a worn out repetition of energetic approach to the second phase of stabilization programme. Some of the last reports from CDNS, finally reveals the real picture - CDNS is that which settles and displaces people.

CDNS decides that Janjevci (Croats from Kosovo) colonize Kistanje, and only CDNS could have whispered in the ear of Jure Radic the answer to the question: What, if the owners come back? Sly Jurehas answered that Janjevci will be moved out, and found new lodgings for, and houses given back to the owners. What a rich country, that has houses for all the variants.

Jure has also explained that it is more clever that roads go through the other state. Although not even two years have passed since it was said that the stupid former authorities have mistaken in building the roads across the obnoxious regions of the same country (a balk-revolution).

CDNS decides that the pensions of Serbs in Barania will be higher than pensions of Croats (and Serbs) in the rest of Croatia. Of course, CDNS will not avert anybody from departure, but it will reward those who stay (won't protect them from angry neighbours, though).

CDNS demands that the autumn economy should be viewed through a prism of improvement of financial conditions of the Textile Industry Zadar , instead of through a prism of annouced 300 thousands of unemployed till the end of this year, which will put Croatia right on the top of scale of unemployment among the countries in tranzition.

CDNS will look with a joyful smile at the construction executives in a full swing of building the uneconomic roads, and spur-lines all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and disregard the fact that the building of houses abates, since there is nobody who can buy a flat (houses are assigned to those from abroad).

CDNS will admire the realization of the plan of two billion US$ from tourism, but it will never mention the catastrophe of peasants who are the only ones to offer so called Croatian products (from the potatoes to apples) to foreigners. CDNS will cheapen the fur- coats, for their ladies, and rise the prices of bread and pampers for good of all of us.

Defining optimism as a state ideology for people, CDNS on the other hand makes much more serious decisions about whose coin-box to empty, who to eavsdrop and bug, which one minister will resign, and when, and who will come on his place: CDNS knows all and learns all, and alone in itself represents the ideal solution for this state.

So near to CDNS, so far from Heaven !

Parliament should be cancelled, as well as the salaries of representatives. All the governmental bodies, and government itself should be cancelled (Matesa should remain alone, on the post as a service), all the diplomatic and economic representatives should be cancelled (except Damir Zoric). President + family + CDNS (the extended family) + Matesa (or someone like him) + only Zoric(no one like him) = not Indonesia, shame on you, but happiness, security and welfare for all people.

The savings are enormous: All the money which flows into the budget for financing the useless institutions could remain in pockets of citizens, which would authomatically cause a drastic increase of salaries, pensions and satisfaction. The luxurious mansions could be profitably rented, and with amassed money, the expenses of crucial organs mentioned above and their satellites (army, police, security), could be covered up.

The family would run the business, and we would all work in some of his companies, and they would import and export the adequate national, sexual or age structures, according to circumstances. Financing the "normalization" wouldn't be difficult either. If the Administration of Danubian-basin costs 2 million dollars a month, the President himself, from his ascribed property, could finance the administration, so that these expenses would be unburdened from the shoulders of an average croatian employee forever. The country of idyll, the European Misyr is here, at the doorstep. One needs to step out towards it just little, and everything gets solved. No doubt, the step will be made very soon.

Arkzin humbly gives up the authorization on the proposed model. Anything just to make things better for all of us.

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