And he said: History is an angel
being blown backwards into the future
He said: History is a pile of debris
and the Angel wants to go back and fix things
to repair the things that have been broken
But there is a storm blowing from Paradise
and the storm keeps blowing the angel
backwards into the future.
And this storm, this storm
is called
[The Dream Before - For Walter Benjamin]
Laurie Anderson
arkzin d.o.o.
ilica 96, 10000 zagreb
phone: +385 / 1 / 177 866, fax: 177 867
e-mail: arkzin_zg@zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org
arkzin [0.0 version] started in september 1991 as the fanzine of ARK,the anti war campaign of croatia.
in march 1993 the second series of arkzin [1.0 version] started to appearas a monthly magazine, and since june 1994 it is a biweekly newspaper[2.0 version].
a standard issue consists of 32-40 pages, A3 format. the circulationis 8-10.000.
arkzin as a newspaper has established itself as a major forum of independent,alternative, critical information and debate. arkzin not simply oppositionnewspaper, but insists on analysis of ideology and examines the role ofthe media, of the intellectuals and various marginalized youth subcultures!
in december 1994. the first issue of bastard was published as a supplementof arkzin: with the idea of making a review of books and forum ofthe critical theory for a new enlightenment
boris buden
editor in chief
engerthstr. 51/10/16
a-1200 wien
tel/fax: +44 / 1 / 33 36 174
e-mail: buden@ping.at
mix up new media
system ressentiment
pixel bastard media
left right
bibliotheque bastard books:
"KULTURA LAZI", Dubravka Ugresic, arkzin d.o.o. 1996
"BARIKADE", BorisBuden, arkzin d.o.o. 1996
boris buden, biljana kasic, borislav mikulic,
frank hartmann, marina sur puhlovski, dejan krsic,
nenad zakosek, branimir stojanovic,
jo van der spek, srecko pulig,
agentur BILWET, ivan molek, renata jambresic
![]() | We know that the lion is stronger than the tamer. And so does the tamer Problem is that the lion does not know it! |
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack
crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
[Leonard Cohen, Anthem]