The Toro Company
Great projects require great clients, and Toro is definitely one of them. A number of external and internal initiatives at the billion-dollar company have been centered around web technologies. I was fortunate enough to be involved in various stages of most of them.
The most visible example is the Toro public site, which I redesigned this summer. I played a number of roles throughout this project, from the initial client pitch, to graphic design and copywriting, to coordinating the production staff. The challenge was to take a 600 page brochureware site designed by a traditional ad agency, and transform it into a true web presence for Toro.
I completely overhauled the structure, layout, and navigation on the site which are now described in a web style guide. The result is a more visually appealing and more usable site.
The first phase launch was scheduled to coincide with the 1997 Ryder Cup golf tournament, for which I developed and managed a $50,000 online advertising campaign. The project was a success, both in traffic and customer comments.
I have also been involved in supply chain management applications which coordinate Toro and its distributor and dealer networks. They are, however, still very hush-hush so I will not go into them here.