- WEllCome ABOard
Just in case you don't already know, here's a few
Links to get you started having Fun, Fun, Fun auf der INFOBAHN!
- www.kraftwerk.com
- KRAFTWERK's Official WebSite! Check it out! Nice animated gif/SoundByte. Click on the Antenna and a ROBOT appears. Click on the ROBOT gif and he DANCES! Kute! Excellent Sounds, too!
- www.universe.co.uk/tribal97/index.htm
- home.t-online.de/home/Zaepke/kraftwer.htm
- www.mamedia.cz/music.net/kraft
- www.xs4all.nl/~bwe/
- www.page4life.nl/webwe/index.htm
- www.student.uni-koeln.de/~tweckert/kwk.html
- web.bham.ac.uk/busbykg/kraftwerk/
- www.swcp.com/lazlo-bin/discog.pl?discog=kraftwerk
- ftp://ftp.xmission.com/pub/lists/kraftwerk/archive
- KRAFTWERK Mail List Archives. Catch up on all the recent and not-so-recent SubSpace Chatter on the Finest MeKaniKal MusiK -Meisters in the Universe!
- www.cs-ka.de/thomas.weckert/kraftwerk/kk.html
- home.pages.de/~kraftwerk
- Thomas Weckert's Picture Gallery- LOTS of Beautiful KW Fotos!
- www.cs.umu.se/~dvlawm.kraftwerk
- The KRAFTWERK Infobahr. Lots MORE KW Stuff!
- hem.passagen.se/nanon/kraftwerk/index.html
- "The Bright Side" !*WOW*! EXcellent WebSite! KRAFTWERK JukeBox, STAR TREK, and X-files! KooL! Nice GraFFiX!
- home1.swipnet.se/~w-10759/kraftwerk.htm
- Jimmy's X3M Fina Sida. AWESOME!
- home1.swipnet.se/~w-10118/kraftwerk
- Jens Heidling's Sites of KRAFTWERK. Very Nice!
- www.student.gu.se/~maka0067
- Mats Kadmark. Another dedicated Fan!
- www.aec.at/fest/fest93e/kraftp.html
- KooL Fotos & Article!
- archive.uwp.edu/pub/music/artists
- oops. I dont have the complete url. Once you get into the Main Archives, you can look up all the KW Fotos. The one called "Dummies" is really nice!
links page made with help of ROBOT <robot@humboldt1.com>